
Mobile is the only media platform (or from the User’s perspective, the only device) that is with your target consumer from the moment they wake up to the moment they go to bed. It’s the most common access point to the internet regardless of whether the user is at home, at work, or out-and-about.

Conventional advertising channels are typically used to build brand awareness, which is proven to be very effective in terms of increasing sales. What geofencing does in that aspect is creating a Positive Disruption and is extremely effective due to the fact that the mobile device is with people during most of the day.

Positive Disruption means being able to resurface your brand in people’s consciousness at the most opportune moments, and remain at their “top of mind” – i.e. influence the purchase-making decision. 

What geofencing and behavioral micro-planning allows us to do is to expose the brand when it is most relevant. However, what are the best ways or techniques we should consider when running a geofencing mobile campaign? Here’s your answer! 


  1. Use Geofencing as a tool to predict consumer behavior: 

Mobile, and more particularly geofencing strategies are the tipping point in the power shift to consumers owning the media content. For the first time – platforms match and even outgrow the audience. Multi-device, multi-region, multi-format. Behaviour is predictable but decision making is not. 

Location is such a strong predictor of behavior, it allows us to boost your brand at the moment of decision-making. It’s users’ data (all opted-in and compliant with industry data protection and privacy regulations such as GDPR and CCPA), that enables us to Positively Disrupt. Use location data for behavior insight considering the entire customer journey and reach out to audiences at the most relevant time. 

2. Create relevant ads for your core target audience: 

We are now facing a situation where unfathomable amounts of content are available, and the growing number of people with a personal, portable device from a very early age that grants them access to all this content, whenever and wherever they want.

Location data gives us more than a place. By blending the users’ demographic information that comes through the bidstream, with the content being consumed at the time of exposure, and the location of the device (whether in real-time, or historical), we get an incredibly rich picture, building more relevant audience clusters. Location data enables us to show our target audience the exact content they are looking for while being in the right place at the right time for us to achieve a significantly higher engagement rate.  

A major part of your campaign planning should be coming up with different types of creative ads that resonate and are remembered by your audience. Involving not only static ads but interstitials, GIFs, dynamic ads, and video content with a noticeable and compelling call to action, in order to catch your audience’s attention – becomes crucial. 


  1. Consider both quantity and quality when it comes to strategic location targeting: 

When it comes to geofencing technology, a customizable polygon-shaped geofence will make all the difference. This type of virtual perimeter allows you to literally spot devices in real-time in your exact point of interest regardless of its geographical disposition in the map, providing a unique tailored strategy. Ideally, your geofences should be as precise as possible, but keeping in mind that we want to identify as many relevant users as we can. Place a small radius of geofences but add as many (simultaneously) as necessary. A good rule of thumb is 20 locations for every $1k of ad spent allocated to the campaign. 

Last but not least, always place yourself in the shoes of your target audience. This will help you identify which are the strategic and strongest locations to be considered. 


  1. Always combine a retargeting strategy to strengthen your campaign: 

Combining real-time and interest targeting with a strong retargeting strategy should be your key to success. Users who receive retargeting ads from websites or apps they’ve previously visited are 80% more likely to interact with an ad. By using retargeting tools we establish multiple contacts with the user, to promote higher engagement with the ad in specific locations with the desired mindset. It is all about that final push that will help them choose your brand when it comes to decision making. 


  1. Mobile multi-channel campaigns: 

Targeting your user on multiple devices at the same time can create a powerful message. We enable advertisers to show the user different ads across all devices. 

We recommend to consider the following options:  

  1. Sync TV commercials with online ads 

  2. Combine your out of home and mobile geolocation campaigns. 

  3. Push ads around specific billboard locations.

The idea is to convey the same message, or supporting messages, through different media channels and create full coverage via multi-channel campaigns.

  1. Smart campaign optimization is a MUST! 

Our ultimate goal is to maximize results and make the most of your campaign, therefore constant monitoring and optimization are vital. Aside from having a trusted and knowledgeable campaign manager, you should also always check and be aware of what is and is not working, and how performance could be improved. Whether it is analyzing trends or applying A/B testing, optimization steps should always take place, and in parallel smartly allocate your budget to where it yields the most. 


  1. Measuring In-Store attribution: 

Being able to attribute real-world actions to digital interaction is a more accurate reflection of how consumers operate. They don’t view their world as two separate online and offline parts, so why should we? There is a wealth of physical data we can access linked to existing behavior, ad-prompted behavior, and outcome. This metric will provide brands much deeper insights into the campaign’s effectiveness in the real world, by connecting online campaigns to in-store results. Nonetheless, determining your advertising cost per in-store user becomes handy for future campaign planning. 


All in all, considering all of the above geofencing best practices will outstand your campaign with super-precise targeting, higher performance, increase in sales, and most importantly in ROI. 

Don’t hesitate to reach out to us, visit: to get the best guidance in the geofencing industry! 


Posted by Stephanie Lublinski, Business Manager,